
How Motherhood changed me.

Before I got married I knew I wanted to have children. (God willing) Shoots, I knew when I was babysitting as a teenager that I knew I wanted to be a mom. I knew this because I have a love for children and for helping little ones succeed and explore. I love their faces we they find new adventures and realize that climbing on the couch and jumping off into a pile of comfy pillows is so exciting that they can’t wait to get back up to do it again. Or when building a blanket fort through the house it’s like a cave and they’re using a flashlight because the ‘cave is dark’. It’s exciting when you have one child and can give all the attention to him or her, but what about more than one? What about 2, 3, or 4 children? Why not have the excitement of sharing the comfy pillows and blanket forts?

Often times I hear that 4 kids are ‘too many’. That 4 kids are ‘too much to handle’ or when I say I want four kids to others they look at me like I’m a little nuts and that I have lost my mind. Here’s the thing, I want four kids if God is willing to let me. If I can only have my two babies that I have right now I will be very satisfied with these two beauties. BUT if He is willing to allow me and my family to grow, why not?

Motherhood is chaotic but when looking at their little faces when their sad, happy, excited, frustrated and knowing that I can make it better makes me feel incredible. Giving a quick or long hug, a peck on the hand because she bumped it into the wall, or a kiss on the knee from falling off her slide.

Motherhood is gross… from cleaning pee and poop, to snot out of the tiniest noses, and catching throw up in your own hand because you don’t want her to throw up all over the bed. (Yes, this is me talking from a previous experience… it was so fun! [insert sarcasm here] )

Motherhood is telling family members to not feed your three month old chocolate because her tiny little belly isn’t ready for it yet. It’s explaining to family why you chose to feed baby the way you are. (although you shouldn’t have to explain why… I mean you are the parent right?) Motherhood is fun because you’re able to play dress up, paint tiny fingers and toes, to run through the puddles in the back yard, and love these tiny humans hard.

Motherhood changed me from that very first positive pregnancy test. Being scared and not knowing what to expect and then realizing that I didn’t have to do it alone. I had a best friend going through what I was going through, family who (most of the time) stood by my side, and an amazing husband who held my hair when puking in the bathroom at all hours of the night.

Motherhood changed me when I was able to hold that sweet little baby at the end of my pregnancy journey. That’s when motherhood kicks in and you learn to love someone so tiny so much and so fast!

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