
Self Love.

Since having baby number two I’ve had a little bit of a rough time giving attention to myself and give my body and soul the love it needs. 

When I realized that I was giving my all to them (and school, work, the blog, the house.. Etc) but not giving myself the ‘me’ time I actually needed, I said to myself “stop, what do you need?”.

What do I really need to make me happy so everyone around me can also be happy? 

That’s when I chose faithful Friday’s. I chose to pray as much as I could during the week but especially on fridays because that means I was able to get through another week. It meant that the weekend was here and weekends are to spend with family. I also told myself that when I was ready I would start going back to church. I’m not going to lie, I’ve been a slacker in this department and I want to make myself and soul better.  

I also told myself that after the baby, ( and after we all had a normal-ish routine) I would start Zumba or yoga again. I did Zumba back in college and it was so much fun. It got your heart pumping and sweat dripping. I definitely felt the burn in every single workout. I did yoga before, during, and after my first pregnancy. I’m pretty sure yoga and the meditation side of yoga got me through sooo many contractions I probably couldn’t count. Yoga is relaxing (at least to me) for my body and eases my mind. Sometimes it makes me think of all the things I should be doing but I try not to. (Lol!)  

These three things, I told myself, I would try to give a little more love to for my own self love and to truly love myself again! So soon enough, faith, self-love, and a little bit of exercise is what I’m working toward  this year! 

What’s something you are doing to give your body and soul some self love? I would love to know!   

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