When they say ‘You need a village’ to raise a child, (whoever ‘they’ are), they were right. Yes, I have a husband. Yes, we are both capable of doing everything for ourselves. So, when one of our sweet babies need to see the doctor or the other needs a little bit more love and a few more cuddles while me and Dad are having to work, that’s where the village comes in.
Working moms have ups and downs just as much as stay at home moms. Now, I have no clue how a stay at mom feels because I’m a “working mom”. I do know stay at home moms don’t get as much credit as they should. They are supposed to do everything plus some because all they do is ‘sit on the couch all day and just watch the kids’. (insert eye roll here) Stay at home moms do everything you could possibly imagine, from literally cleaning poop off of walls and furniture to taking cute pictures of their peaceful babies sleeping…(When they actually do sleep). Shout out to you stay at home moms, because you F’n rock!
But, us working moms, we don’t always get to watch our babies take naps. It’s not that we don’t want to, because believe me, we want to. But, in this season of life, some of us have to be a working mom. A mom, that even though I want to do everything myself, I have to lean onto others. I have to lean on my village.
My village helps pick up my kiddos from their daycare/preschool, watch my babies when I have to be at my 8-5 job because I can’t miss anymore work while they are sick, and they even feed my family when we are working late or stuck in traffic. They are the people who I can count on when I need help. Even when I don’t ask for help, somehow they know I need it.
My village is the people who I can talk to when I need to laugh, cry, joke, and even when I need someone to send me a picture of my babies during a long and hard day at work.
It doesn’t matter if it’s your Mom, Dad, Mother in law, babysitter, Father in law, sis-in law, or whoever. THEY are all part of the village that makes our lives as moms a little easier. They make this part of being a working mom a little be easier. They are my people. They are my village.
Who are the people in your village? Neighbor, Aunt, MIL, Mom, Dad? Call your village, tell them you appreciate them!
— Lauren, the working mom.